Contributors -- Abbreviations -- Part I. Human rights' foundations - 1. On the foundations of human rights - 2. Response to John Tasioulas - 3. Human rights as fundamental Conditions for a good life - 4. From a good life to human rights: some complications - 5. Is dignity the foundation of human rights? - 6. Human rights, natural rights, and human dignity - 7. Personal deserts and human rights - 8. Can moral desert qualify or justify human rights? - 9. Social ontology of human rights - 10. Human rights, human dignity, and power -- Part II. Human rights in law and politics - 11. Human rights in the emerging world order - 12. Joseph Raz on human rights: a critical appraisal - 13. Why international legal human rights? - 14. Human Rights Pragmatism and Human Dignity - 15. Human Rights and Constitutional Law: Patterns of Mutual Validation and Legitimation - 16. Specifying Human Rights - 17. Rescuing Proportionality - 18. Rescuing Human Rights from Proportionality -- Part III. Canonical and contested human rights - 19. Free Speech as an Inverted Right and Democratic Persuasion - 20. Free speech and "democratic persuasion": a response to brettschneider - 21. Freedom of religion in a secular world - 22. Religious liberty conceived as a human right - 23. Right to security - 24. Rights and security for human rights sceptics - 25. Self-determination and the human Right to democracy - 26. Human right to democracy? - 27. Content of the human right to health - 28. Do we have a human right to the political determinants of health? - 29. Moral inconsistency argument for a basic human right to subsistence - 30. Force of subsistence rights -- Part IV. Human rights: concerns and alternatives - 31. Relativity and Ethnocentricity of Human Rights - 32. Human Needs, Human Rights - 33. Liberty rights and the limits of liberal democracy - 34. Human rights without the human good? a reply to Jiwei Ci - 35. Care and human rights - 36. Care and Human Rights: A Reply to Virginia Held - 37. Human Rights in Kantian mode: a sketch - 38. Why there Cannot be a Truly Kantian Theory of Human Rights -- Index. |