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The dutch wife [electronic resource]. McCormack Eric.
C.s. lewis's mere christianity [electronic resource] : A biography. George M Marsden.
Cloud [electronic resource]. McCormack Eric.
How the scots invented the modern world [electronic resource] : The true story of how western europe's poorest nation created our world and everything in it. Herman Arthur.
South sea tales [electronic resource]. Robert Louis stevenson.
Sword and blossom [electronic resource] : A british officer's enduring love for a japanese woman. Williams Momoko.
The undercover economist [electronic resource] : Exposing why the rich are rich, the poor are poor—and why you can never buy a decent used car!. Tim Harford.
The loch mess monster [electronic resource]. Lester Helen.
A leaf on the wind of all hallows [electronic resource] : Outlander series, book 8.5. Diana Gabaldon.
Trains and lovers [electronic resource] : A novel. Alexander McCall Smith.

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