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Âh-âyîtaw isi ê-kî-kiskêyihtahkik maskihkiy = They knew both sides of medicine : Cree tales of curing and cursing / told by Alice Ahenakew ; edited, translated and with a glossary by H.C. Wolfart & Freda Ahenakew.
Âtalôhkâna nêsta tipâcimôwina = Cree legends and narratives from the west coast of James Bay / told by Simeon Scott ... [et al.] ; text and translation edited and with a glossary by C. Douglas Ellis.
Kinêhiyâwiwininaw nêhiyawêwin = The Cree language is our identity : the La Ronge lectures of Sarah Whitecalf / edited, translated and with a glossary by H.C. Wolfart and Freda Ahenakew.
Âh-âyîtaw isi ê-kî-kiskêyihtahkik maskihkiy [electronic resource] = They knew both sides of medicine : Cree tales of curing and cursing / told by Alice Ahenakew ; edited, translated and with a glossary by H.C. Wolfart & Freda Ahenakew.
Âh-âyîtaw isi ê-kî-kiskêyihtahkik maskihkiy [electronic resource] = They knew both sides of medicine : Cree tales of curing and cursing / told by Alice Ahenakew ; edited, translated and with a glossary by H.C. Wolfart & Freda Ahenakew.
Âtalôhkâna nêsta tipâcimôwina [electronic resource] = Cree legends and narratives from the west coast of James Bay / told by Simeon Scott ... [et al.] ; text and translation edited and with a glossary by C. Douglas Ellis.
Âtalôhkâna nêsta tipâcimôwina [electronic resource] = Cree legends and narratives from the west coast of James Bay / told by Simeon Scott ... [et al.] ; text and translation edited and with a glossary by C. Douglas Ellis.
Ana kâ-pimwêwêhahk okakêskihkêmowina [electronic resource] = The counselling speeches of Jim Kâ-Nîpitêhtêw / edited, translated and with a glossary by Freda Ahenskew & H.C. Wolfart.
Ana kâ-pimwêwêhahk okakêskihkêmowina [electronic resource] = The counselling speeches of Jim Kâ-Nîpitêhtêw / edited, translated and with a glossary by Freda Ahenskew & H.C. Wolfart.
The dog's children [electronic resource] : Anishinaabe texts / told by Angeline Williams ; edited and translated by Leonard Bloomfield ; newly edited and with a glossary by John D. Nichols.

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